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Complete 6 - 10 Year Old Developmental Coaching and Training Program PDF

Complete 6 - 10 Year Old Developmental Coaching and Training Program PDF

This program is perfect for grassroots coaches wanting practices to start their soccer coaching education!

The prime objective of this program is to provide the best educational information possible for all coaches and players from 6 to 10 years old in terms of the Technical, Tactical, Skill, Psychological and Physical attributes players need at these ages and then bring it all together in a team concept.

As the age group raises so does the type of training required. We go up to the 8 v 8 game situation here as the focus is on that format at these ages. As this program is only showing the foundations of practice we will only go so far with the tactical development;

as shown; that will complement the understanding and learning capacities of players at these ages.

To download click here

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