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4-3-3 Formation – The Ultimate Coaching Guide PDF

4-3-3 Formation – The Ultimate Coaching Guide PDF

Hard work and discipline coupled with the right personnel can make any formation a success regardless of how you choose to line up.

Each formation has its own strengths that the team must make the most of while mitigating its weaknesses through tactical awareness and a good understanding of how the opposition may attempt to exploit their game plan.

With the 4-3-3 formation, you are guaranteed an attacking outlook right from the start.

By controlling the midfield and taking advantage of the flexibility that the line up gives the team’s forwards, the 4-3-3 can overwhelm, confuse, and force the opposition back towards their goal.

With the pace and movement of the attackers, the supporting fullbacks, and offensive midfielders, a flood of interchanging players can overload the opponent’s defence to great effect.

This formation can be a massive success if you have the right players to play to its strengths.

Tactically flexible, the formation allows for coaches to manage the game to great effect by tweaking it to deal with a number of situations. You can sit back in an almost 4-5-1 formation and hit the opposition on the counter-attack or push the fullbacks forward and drop the holding midfielder between the centre-backs to form a 3-4-3 formation.

Everything depends on the players you have available. Designed to be offensive, the 4-3-3 will certainly have your players threatening the opposition and creating goal scoring opportunities.

Through the high intensity and off the ball movement that the formation requires, you can force the opposition back by making the most of this aggressive line up. 

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