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Modern Shooting and Finishing PDF

Modern Shooting and Finishing PDF

In this book we are going to explore some debates regarding issues related to finishing. It is common knowledge that the shot or kick is one of the most important elements of football, and thus it is one of the primary abilities required to successfully play the game.

It is one of the skills that is imperative to develop from a young age, and, though the terms may differ across the ages, the principle remains the same.

This book will include an overall explanation of the concept of finishing with practical implications, and several sample exercises that coaches can implement in their training sessions.

Technical ability is a major component that differentiates a top finisher from an average one. But finishing is not only a technical ability; it is a skill that combines several different factors, situations and emotions.

It can be affected by the player in possession, the defender, the game conditions, even weather and pitch state. Thus, finishing is an ability which consists of a complex blend of technical, tactical, and mental strength factors.

In any given situation where the player in possession is in a position to finish, the following technical skills come into play:

- Ball Control

- Ball Mastery

- Passing

- Shooting

- Heading

- Dribbling (Before, during, and after a 1v1 situation).

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