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Defending Drills and Games PDF

Defending Drills and Games PDF

Select from a large variety of Defending drills and games to custom design your own practice sessions.

There are fun and challenging practices for every age and skill level.

  • Defend the Cone.
  • 4 v 4 plus 2 - Transition Game.
  • Defensive Building - Attacking Alternate Sides.
  • Defending 1 v 1 Wide Goals.
  • Defensive Balance.
  • Defense Building.
  • High Pressure Defending 1.
  • High Pressure Defending 2.
  • High Pressure Defending 3.
  • Defensive Footwork Warm Up.
  • Defensive Footwork 1 v 1.
  • Defensive Positioning 2 V 2.
  • Defensive Recovery Runs.
  • Defending 1 v 1 Across the Grid.
  • Defending 1 v 1.
  • Defending 1 v 2.
  • Defending 1 v 1 Swap Grid.
  • Defending 1 v 1 Goal in the Middle.
  • Defending 1 v 1 on the Edge of the Penalty Area.

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