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31 Favorite Shooting Sessions PDF

31 Favorite Shooting Sessions PDF

We recieved many interesting and useful exercises and small-sided games.

Rather than finish the contest and discard the sessions, we decided to offer them to other coaches for free.

The sessions appear here exactly as they have been contributed.

It’s our hope that you find these sessions useful when planning training sessions for your teams.

Thanks to all of the coaches that contributed sessions.

Table of Contents

4----- 1 2 3 Finishing--- Brian Yorck.

5----- 1v1 to 2 Goals--- John Cummings.

6----- Modern Attacking and Goalscoring--- Mihai Eremia.

7----- Shooting with Recovering Defender--- Jean Alonzo.

8----- Four Squares--- Dennis Hillyard.

12----- 4 v 4 Shooting ---Frank Schmidt.

13----- Attacking Movement off of the Ball ---Patrick Pawlowski.

15----- Chaos Peter Gamble 16 3 v 1 ---Shooting Den.

17----- Shooing in the 1-4-2-3-1 ---Vasilis Papadakis.

20----- Three Ball Shooting ---Nazar Ojmaya.

21----- Lightning! ---Richard Wellum.

22----- Three Way Scoring ---Michael Bailey.

26----- Shooting Two Balls Dr. ---Mouwafak al Mola.

28----- Possession wiht a Twist ---Rob Parker.

29----- POWS--- Luis Kroeker.

30----- Playing into Lone Striker ---Lee Hayes.

31----- First Time Shooting ---Dennis Hillyard.

35----- Shooting and Finishing ---Loy Urbina.

36----- 5 v 5 Shooting ---Jon Bianco.

37----- Barca Combo ---Stephen Murray.

41----- Numbers Shooting ---Ed Gahres.

42----- My Favorite Shooting Drill ---Ashwin Rajakumar.

44----- Three Player Combo--- Freddy Wales.

45----- Shooting with Movement ---Glen Keane.

48----- FInishing Exercises ---Mike Tsokakisidis.

59----- Shooting Drill Competition ---Gary Eyles.

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