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This ebook has been written with one goal in mind: To make you a better soccer player! This ebook will show you how you can make a marked improvement in your soccer skills in only two weeks.

All youneed is the desire! This ebook contains all the information that you need to become a better soccer player in two weeks. Whether you play AYSO, Club, Travel, High School or above, this guide can make you a more confident soccer player.

The only thing that I ask of you is to give it 110% to all of the drills and read the accompanying information.

Becoming a great soccer player is a long process, and donʼt get me wrong, it will be tough.

This guide is merely meant to give you a kick start and point you in the right direction.

The guide focuses on what we at Beast Mode Soccer believe to be the most important base of all soccer training- great technique.

In our footwork program you will touch the ball over a thousand times, and they are QUALITY touches.

As I said before, all we ask from you is the commitment! A college level soccer player puts in an average of three hours of work a day. For the top level players, thatʼs not enough.

They stay around after practice and play with the ball on their own. Itʼs a known fact that when at Manchester United, David Beckham stayed after practice for one hour every day, just taking free kicks... he was not born with an insanely gifted right foot, he cultured it to what it has become.

If you read about almost any top class athlete, they all say the same about their childhood- the thing they remember the most is playing that sport.

Marta remembers playing soccer with the boys, Messi remembers kicking a ball around breaking things in his house and his mother getting mad! They all have an incredible work ethic!

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