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TRAIN LIKE LIVERPOOL Full Training Session to make everyone train like a pro PDF

TRAIN LIKE LIVERPOOL  Full Training Session to make everyone train like a pro PDF

We are driven for the love of the game and  its ongoing digital evolution. 

We are keen to successfully develop the  game itself and most importantly its  players.

Activity Flow 

1. Player 1 begins the exercise with a pass to player 2.
2. Player 2 receives the ball in the direction of play and passes to player 5.
3. Player 5 plays a one-touch pass to player 3.
4. Player 3 receives the ball in the direction of play and passes to player 6.
5. Player 6 passes to player 5, who takes the ball in the opposite direction and passes to player 1, who has moved up to player 2’s position.
6. Player 1 plays a one-touch pass to player 4, who then passes to player 7, and the sequence starts over.

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