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Ssg Attack Soccer Coaching eBook PDF

Ssg Attack Soccer Coaching eBook PDF


Children join teams to play football, not to stand around in lines or repeat the same movement over and over again.

Unlike drills, games aren’t regimented - they are dynamic, imaginative and most of all FUN.

Games give players the chance to score goals, to tackle, to emulate their heroes.

Players also get more touches of the ball and must utilise a broader range of movements, techniques and skills than in drills.

These skills can be translated to full-size full-speed games more easily because the images our players see in training more closely resemble the ‘moments’ when they need to utilise skills within a match.

Drills can allow players to replicate the movement of a pass, but only games can replicate the situation as well.

Additionally, SSGs can be easily scaffolded to build up the pressure and time-constraints on our players gradually.

This means the same conditions can be applied from 1v1 through to 4v4 and up to 11v11 - the only variable is the number of decisions that players have to make.

And this scaffolding means that every player can be set individual targets and challenges so, whether they are the strongest player or are struggling to keep up, they stay engaged in the session and

motivated to improve.

This book contains eight Small Sided Games templates.

After modifications, progressions and variations you could easily use nothing else for a year’s worth practices. And if you did I promise your players would be smiling this time next year!

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