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U11/U12 Systems of Play (9v9) PDF

U11/U12 Systems of Play (9v9) PDF

The 4-3-1 is a very popular formation used at the U11/U12 age level.

It provides a solid defensive base and plenty of natural passing triangles and diamonds occur within the formation.

It also creates an easy transition to the 4-3-3 formation when teams move up to 11v11.


- 1 Goal Keeper

- 4 Defenders (2 Center Backs, 1 Left Back, & 1 Right Back)

- 3 Midfielders (1 Central Defensive Mid & 2 Central Attacking Mids)

- 1 Striker


The 4 defenders in the backline should shift left and right as a unit.

They should also receive good cover from the central defensive midfielder (CDM).

The central attacking midfielders (CAMs) dropping back to provide some defensive cover and passing outlets when the ball is won back or simply cleared from the defensive third.

It’s important to make the formation compact in front of goal.

This will make it harder for opposing teams to play through and allows players to support one another.

While the team is defending, the striker should remain higher up, near midfield, providing an outlet when the defense wins the ball back.


The striker will need to hold up the ball while the team transitions to attack and will need plenty of support from the midfield.

The CAMs can spread play some but should remain generally central, combining with the striker.

To create width, have the left and right backs push up to join the attack.

While attacking in the opponent’s half, the CDM should push up but only far enough to connect the formation.

The CBs should move up to midfield and work to provide back-passing options and prevent the other team from breaking out.


The transition phase occurs every time the ball changes possession and is critical to all teams. Players must always be prepared to

transition from attack to defense or vice versa and know their roles and areas of responsibility.

It’s important to maintain balance in your formation.

Going too heavy in the attack will make you vulnerable to counter-attacks but sitting too heavy in defense will stifle your ability to attack the other

team’s goal.


It’s important for the team to maintain the general shape of its formation as much as possible throughout games.

While it will be necessary to shift some with the ball, becoming too stretched can make it hard for players to support one another and opens spaces for opponents to attack.

On the other hand, bunching up will allow opponents to play wide around you.

Instead, players should work to find supporting positions to provide cover in defense and passing options in attack.

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