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There are three main points I would like to highlight:

1. Activation

- Mike started the presentation with an activation activity.

- a series of 2v2 games that he picked up on his Advanced Coaching course with the French Football Federation. 

A series of 4 small-sided games. 

The purpose was simple – get the players excited about being at practice, warm-up and get lots of defensive repetition. 

2. Scoring system 1 – I also wanted to highlight how Mike used the scoring system to draw out the theme of his activity.

In activity 2, the attacking players were incentivized with the hope of creating more opportunities to defend.

His objective was to create an attacking scenario where defenders had to recover into a compact defensive shape in front of goal.  To do so Mike awarded the attackers 1 point for a connecting a pass into the middle zone and 3 points for a scoring goal after that.

3. Scoring system 2 – In the third activity, Mike used a scoring system this time to encourage defenders to use the ball meaningfully when they win the ball.

In 1v1 soccer golf, if the defender wins the ball and keeps it for two seconds he achieves a score of -2 for an eagle!  If he forces the attacking player to touch the ball out of bounds,  then his team would be awarded a -1 (a birdie).

If he tackles the ball out of bounds himself then that is a par or a score of zero.

However, if the attacking player can get the ball over the end line here, the defender has a score of +1 against him.  Just like in golf, the lowest score wins after a set number of attempts each team.

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