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Every coaching point you need
In this special report on how to coach pressing, I introduce the top managers who coach this tactic and use it to spectacular effect with their teams.
Pep Guardiola gets his Bayern Munich team to aggressively press high up the pitch forcing play when his team has not got the ball working at a high speed.
Jürgen Klopp has brought his gengenpressing tactic to Liverpool to win the ball back immediately after his team has lost it – he talks about understanding when to press and when to stop to utilise the tactic to its full potential.
Luis Enrique wants Barcelona to press as soon as they lose the ball in the other team’s half – working on the intensity of play when they don’t have the ball.
Diego Simeone is slightly different as he knows his Athletico Madrid team will have the ball for less time than other teams – they press in packs flooding the midfield to force the opposition back.
In this report with diagrams and illustrations I explain How Pressing Works and the sessions that follow mirror the ones used by the top teams.
There are sessions from Justin Neese the centre of excellence manager at Houston Dynamo, Ricky King the coach education administrator of the New York Red Bulls and Mike Smith youth academy director at 2015 MLS Champions Portland Timbers – plus sessions from myself.
At the beginning of each section featuring sessions from all the coaches is advice on how the specific sessions on pressing work.
To understand the benefits of pressing players need to learn how to work as and individual and how to put that into practice as a team.
Every player needs to be singing from the same song sheet or the tactic will not work and players will be caught out of position.
These sections also feature Top Tips for Effective Pressing as quick bullet points you can use to remind yourself of the important points before you coach the sessions.
This really is a complete manual on how to use pressing as a tactic and how to set up your team to use it with confidence and success.

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