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English Football Academy Training PDF

English Football Academy Training

Dear Coach, This book of coaching drills has been produced as a useful reference tool for you to browse through and remind yourself of different drills, as well as provide variations on ideas you might implement with your players.

Many of these drills you may have seen and used before, others may be new to you, they have been collated from my playing and coaching experiences as well as those of the many experienced and talented coaches who I have had the pleasure to work with over the past five years.

You will notice I have not placed age or skill guidelines on any of the drills; this is because I believe sometimes a playful game can lighten the load of an experienced team and a tactical drill can be introduced to challenge a team of any level.

It is our job as coaches to determine what drill suits our players at any given moment and which sessions will work to bring the best out of the players we work with.

Of course anyone can be a drill instructor, but your personality, enthusiasm and delivery of each drill to the players makes you unique as a “coach”.

Never be afraid to adapt or change ideas or sessions to your own style of practise.

What works for one coach may not work for the rest of us.

By imparting your knowledge of the game to the players – these become more than just drills.

This is by no means a definitive guide to coaching success nor is it created to challenge you as a coach to understand concepts of the game - it is here for refreshment of ideas when your mind goes blank.

The progression and key factors will hopefully help the less experienced coaches extend their players further but above all it is for all coaches to review and enjoy.

Good luck for all your coaching endeavours, Best Wishes, Robert Gale C.E.O. Score UK Soccer.

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