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Professional Warm-Ups & Cool Downs PDF

Professional Warm-Ups & Cool Downs PDF

Get your players match-ready: PREPARE YOUR PLAYERS MENTALLY & PHYSICALLY for training, match play and fatigue management. REDUCE THE RISK OF INJURIES: Stop taking chances; learn effective recovery strategies to increase physical readiness for future fixtures and reduce the risk of injury.

PROVIDE A ROUTINE to focus players with a structure, stability and consistency to your match-days.

It’s funny how so much emphasis is placed on some of the key parts of training and match day, yet getting players up to speed in the form of purposeful, measured, intelligent warmups is arguably as important, since how will they fulfil their potential if they’re not in optimum shape?

And similarly when having completed a period of exercise, winding the body down and putting in place recovery strategies is now seen as absolutely vital if these finely tuned athletes are going to be back to full efficiency quickly.

That’s why we’ve put together this special issue where a vast array of ideas and principles are tackled. And as usual we’ve been thrilled by those who have come forward to take part, with four coaches currently plying their trade at Premier League clubs and another who is doing great things on the international stage.

In presenting a brilliant cross-section of training and match day warm-ups and cool downs, plus a number of intriguing bonus specialist sessions, this is a complete and comprehensive guide to helping your players maintain a level of performance that will give them the best chance of fulfilling their ambitions.

We hope you enjoy what’s on offer, and wish you all success going forward.

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