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Game Changer PDF

Game Changer

Thank you for picking up this e-book and taking a step towards your improvement as a player! I want to say first and foremost that I ended up giving this e-book away for free, so if you paid for this book, get your money back.

That aside, this book goes over many ideas, strategies, techniques and more that are going to help you improve your game as a footballer.

It will help you become more aware of the different areas you need to be working on and will hopefully introduce you to some new ideas which will either in the long run impact your game in a great way, or at the first least help you figure out an issue in your game that you are currently going through.

I’ve made it so that you can come back and refer to it time and time again when you need a new approach, idea, or just need a refresher. Many of the ideas in this book may seem simple, but sometimes the most simple idea are the ones that have the most impact.

An important point I want to make is that just reading this book alone isn’t going to allow for change.

You will need to actually apply what you learn here. Start experimenting with some of the ideas and I even leave you exercises after most ideas so that you can start getting a feel for what it’s all about.

So once you have the idea and it resonates with you, be sure to take the action. The action taking is what is going to allow for growth. You can know everything there is to know.

But you if you don’t take action, it won’t matter. I recommend you read this ebook all the way through, and then go back over sections where you need more clarity or you want to start applying the ideas of.

However, you can of course go through this anyway you’d like. That is just my suggestion.

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