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30 Soccer Drills, Fun games and Scrimmages PDF

30 Soccer Drills, Fun games and Scrimmages

Word of introduction

I would like to present to you 30 soccer drills, fun games and scrimmages which I used in last 6 years of my soccer coaching carrier in Poland.
Purpose of doing this is just to provide soccer coaches in Saskatoon with simple, good quality and ready to use drills.
As I am a new member of soccer community in Saskatoon I wanted to contribute somehow and thought that Christmas time is a great opportunity to do so.
Some of the stuff here you already know or even used, nevertheless it might be useful to have that kind of variety of drills in one place.
I believe that most of drills you find here is universal and good to use in almost every age group, I leave it to coaches to figure out if they want to use any of this drills with their team.
I divided all drills in six different categories:
Fun games, 1v1 & 2v2, Passing & Receiving, Rondos, Small Sided Games and Speed.
If you want to comment or discuss something, do not hesitate to contact me.
Have a nice read.
Fun games.
• Below you will find some of the fun games I used most of the time at the beginning of the session to get players going.
• I leave it up to you when and where you want to put this games in your training session.

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