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Total Soccer Conditioning PDF

Total Soccer Conditioning PDF

This is the second volume of a two-part book series that presents a completely ball-oriented approach towards conditioning for soccer.

In the first volume, we identified all the fitness requirements of soccer such as speed, agility, power, strength and endurance; and provided numerous activities to target all the various components.

In this volume, we offer additional chapters to supplement the information presented in the first; and provide therefore, one of the most comprehensive sources of reference information on soccer conditioning.

In the first Chapter, we start by showing how traditional technical and tactical training drills can be optimized to enhance fitness.

The warm-up is an essential part of any training session and game preparation.

In Chapter 2, we address the physiological benefits of a proper warm-up and present a variety of ball-oriented warm-up activities that can be used for training or as a part of your match-day preparations.

Chapters 3 identifies how technical and conditioning requirements can vary depending on player position and presents position-specific exercises and pattern-play activities to meet these demands.

Goalkeeper training, especially goalkeeper-specific footwork and conditioning drills, is quite often overlooked at the youth and amateur levels because coaches lack the specialized knowledge for this part of the sport.

Chapter 4 identifies the specific physical requirements of goalkeepers, and offers simple but effective exercises that will target these areas.

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