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Soccer – Passing and Ball Control PDF

As I first turned my thoughts to writing this training material I was very quickly drawn to the fascination of this topic.

Until then, I had never found all the coaching subjects covered in one book. Finally we have such a book.

It is impressive how many aspects of coaching in the various chapters are covered with the help of endless exercises and drills.

I believe that this book is unique throughout the world and quite simply a must for anyone interested in soccer.

We are already experiencing a great deal of success with these coaching concepts.

With the help of this book, this topic is complete. In addition to the book, we offer further books with coaching exercises for differing age groups and many practical, useful tips for coaches and players alike.

Personally, for me, it was important that there was something here for everybody.

You will notice, when reading closely, that we always speak of the player as 'he'.

This form has only been used to simplify the writing process and does, of course, include all female players.

Because one thing is clear - this book is aimed at anyone interested in soccer, irrespective of gender. The symbiosis of practice-related coaching sessions on the pitch through the graphical and text descriptions to the complete application of the drills is facinating.

This proves the point that without a structured concept, successful coaching is simply not possible. Enjoy reading, and learning

Learning these skills and movements, with the required timing, takes time and should therefore be repeated regularly in the form of passing exercises and small-sides games. Exact passing is enormously important for successful soccer.

As a result, passing and control has to be practiced regularly.

Mistakes must be corrected. Particularly control with as few touches as possible is trained today all too little, although this skill performed correctly is the difference between keeping and losing the ball.

Soccer – Passing and Ball Control

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