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Game Based Training PDF

The purpose of this paper is to provide a brief review of the relevant literature on game-based training, and summarise the advantages and disadvantages of this approach to training.

At present, studies investigating the effectiveness of game-based training are limited, with many of the suggested advantages and disadvantages of game-based training based on anecdotal evidence.

Of the studies that have been performed, most have reported that game-based training offers a specific method of conditioning for team sport competition, but game-based training may not simulate the high-intensity, repeated-sprint demands of international competition.

Game-based training has been reported to offer a safe, effective method of conditioning for team-sport athletes that results in comparable (and, in some cases, greater) improvements in physical fitness and performance than traditional conditioning activities.

While technical instruction training has been associated with a higher volume of skill executions (i.e., more ‘touches’), game-based training has been associated with greater cognitive effort – an important condition for skill learning. Indeed, studies investigating skill learning have reported comparable (and, in some cases, greater) improvements in skill execution and decision-making following game-based training than training involving repetitious technical instruction. Collectively, these findings demonstrate the value of game-based training for improving skill and physical fitness in team sport athletes. Further studies investigating the long-term skill and physical benefits of game-based training are warranted.

Build on intrinsic experience

Nowadays, in addition to the learning impact, there is a growing expectation for training programs to be exciting, engaging, innovative and modern. Participants want to have fun while learning.

Although it is a relevant expectation, there is a great risk in it as well: fun should not take precedence over learning, but support it.

In the case of game-based learning that DEVELOR uses, games are explicitly designed with educational purposes.

Game characteristics and game principles are inherent within the learning activities themselves, using the intrinsic experiences of the participants.

Why a Game based Approach to Skill Adapta;on?

 All aspects of soccer are trained at the same 2me. This way we do not train the technical, tac2cal, social, psychological, physical or the a9acking, defending, and transi2on phases in isola2on. Instead we train them together, just as they appear in a match.

Training in this way ensures a greater level of familiarity come game 2me.

This means less stress and in turn a greater ability to cope with pressure and space constraints as well as process informa2on thus enhancing decision making. This is true skill development.

Our role as coaches is to ensure good flow and see if there are moments we can guide the players percep2on to key informa2on in training to improve the decision making process.

The kids love it and can’t wait for the next training session.

Ask for feedback from the players on which types of training ac2vi2es they prefer!

There are implicit aspects to the games that coach for you.

This means the game speaks for you if the condi2ons are strategically layered into training and there is good flow.

You can coach defending while an ac2vity s2ll promotes a9acking play.

This makes for a richer training experience.

Game Based Training

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